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Lino Outcomes:


These images are my 3 colour lino prints of the frog stuffed toy that I completed. I started by cutting out the shape of the frog as well as some patterns that I took inspiration from my Photoshop collages, I then removed the background. After that, I applied the lightest green ink in a consistent layer and printed it onto a piece of printmaking paper. I then repeated this step. Whilst the ink dried, I then cut all the areas I wanted to remain the lightest green. Once the ink had dried, I printed the middle green. Then I repeated the previous steps and applied the last green. The print on the left, I managed to line up accurately, whereas on the print on the right the layers shifted a bit. However, I am fond of the outcomes of both. To improve next time I would print onto film first so that I am able to accurately line up the entirety of my print.


These 3 images show small scale lino stamps that I done based on some of my still-life frog teddy drawings. I printed the first stamp once as I was happy with the outcome, however I decided to print the second stamp twice as I was not sure if I would misprint the second layer. To improve these prints I would use a less ink in the first layer and slightly more ink in the second layer.


These images show my colour plans for my linos as well as the stages of each print. I believe that the lino prints came out really well, in the end I had three 2 layer prints for each bear and three 3 layer prints. I decided to leave some prints as 2 layers in case I decide to develop these in another way. The main aspects of creative language I used in my prints were, line, shape and colour, I focused on these three aspects the most to not over-complicate my designs. To improve, however, I would ensure that the areas I cut out were cut smoothly.


2/3 Colour Prints


Cardboard Bear sequence 2:


These bears were made as a development to the 5 sequence bears that I made previously. These bears are to a larger scale, but they were made with similar materials. I drew out the bears first, coloured them in with felt tip and then stuck them to cardboard and cut around it. Whilst making these bears I considered texture, as all of the yellow pens I had access to began to run out I ensure that the marks looked purposeful to prevent making the work look messy. As a development to the smaller sequence, I made 4 bears instead of 5, I did this as I felt the 4th bear in the 5 bear sequence was unneeded, furthermore, I gave these bears eyes. I avoided giving the smaller bears eyes as I felt that they could be misplaced easier. To improve these bears, I would ensure that they are consistent throughout, instead of having a gradient as the pens ran out.

Polystyrene Soft Toys:


The image on the left shows some of the polystyrene pieces after I had just cut them out. I started out with the smaller pieces as there was more of them so I felt they would be more time consuming. The 3 images on the right show the polystyrene toys after they had been cut out and paper mached. The middle bear is also painted. I laid the pieces out in the poses they would be in once they were done. However, due to running out of time I chose to focus on one bear as much as I could and get it to as close as completion as possible. I selected the colour scheme of the middle bear based on one of the photoshop collages I've done. For the exhibition, I plan on finishing the bear by printing out the photoshop collage in the same scale and sticking it on top.

Photoshop Outcomes:

Texture digital collages Brogan-Recovered.jpg

These two images show my photoshop collage outcomes. The image on top is my first attempt. To make this, I scanned all of my textured paper in, then I selected my favourites to make up the colour scheme. I cut out the shapes I wanted and edited them using a filter, I then layered other shapes with different textures on. I then copied and pasted the image over and over whilst changing the position slightly. With my second bear I tried to make it more dynamic and interesting for my audience. I selected different textures to the previous bear and started cutting out the pieces, I then continued to do this for the other bears in the sequence. If I were to improve this sequence I would change the colours at each stage to create a more colourful piece.

Final Solution:

final solution fmp.jpg
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